Accredited Online Universites Free Interesting Knowledgebase

If you are about going for Accredited Online Universites because you want to study online, my advice is that you make yourself conversant with online universities accreditation processes.It is accreditation of a college or an online institution that qualifies it as a genuine online education platform.

The Meaning Of Accreditation? See Below:

An accredited school has been evaluated by an appropriate regulating authority by proper investigation of the school to make sure that it is operating within stipulated standards.

It is with the use of accreditation that online and off line schools are kept on course with stipulated education standards.

Focusing on faculty efficiency, programs requirements, support services and a school's mission statement, the evaluating body ascertains the authenticity of a schools overall objectives.

Do not think that accreditation for schools are the same all over the world. Every country may have its own processes. For instance, while in some countries government regulates schools using the education ministry or a committee, in the United States what subsists is that associations regulate their members using private agencies or appoint members to evaluate and accredit schools based on entrenched standards.

Even then, the government still has some say in the protection of national standard of education via an agency charged with overseeing the activities of the evaluating and accrediting bodies. This is why it is very important that you research your online school of intent before you register there are definitely schools that are substandard online. Your decision on Accredited Online Universites must be based on informed knowledge.

Accreditation Of Schools And It s Importance

Do not enroll with any online school that is not accredited, if you do, you are at the risk of obtaining an online degree that is not acceptable to employers. Employers are aware that most online schools are unregistered and unaccredited and therefore shun any degrees from such schools. Do yourself the favor of researching your online school of intention before you enroll with them.

Finally, do not be deceived by The term "accredited" that are displayed by most online education sites, properly review the school you intend to enroll with, and also the body that evaluated it before you signup with them. Do not be carried away with your interest in Accredited Online Universites.


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Schools Accreditation Agencies

A masters degree makes you more attractive to employers since they figure that you must have obtained your bachelor degree from an online college before going for an online masters degree, in other words, you are more educated than an online bachelor degree holder.

Therefore, do not stop at online bachelors degree, go ahead and get your masters degree to enhance your chances of landing lucrative employment sooner than later.

Now, realize that you should not get your online degree from an unaccredited online school, because you will find it difficult getting employment with it, employers are aware of the accredited schools and favor their graduates. Your hard earned money and time should not be wasted.

Employers hire graduates of accredited online degree programs from established brick and mortar colleges. If you have to register with virtual school, ensure that it is accredited and verify the accrediting body, too.

Listed below are some of the agencies responsible for accrediting both off line and online schools:

Regional Online Master Degree Accreditation

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education

Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Technical and Career Institutions

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission

North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, Board of Trustees

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges

Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
